"Reading Books" is a small project inspired by the american artist Ellen Cantor's project "prior pleasures" (https://www.ellencantorphotography.com/portfolios/prior-pleasures/?) in which she made multi exposures of her favorite books, in different positions. I made similar work, using Photoshop layers instead of multi exposures. The books are Hagada (הגדת ארץ ישראל), Aye Pluto (איה פלוטו), Yalkut Hakzavim (ילקוט הכזבים) and Jim and the locomotive driver (ג'ים ונהג הקטר), which are some of my childhood and youth favorite books. This different view of those books gave me some nostalgic and new look at them. I plan to add more loved books to this work.

Jim and the Locomotive Driver by Michael Ende

Aye Pluto by lea Goldberg

Hagada Shel Pessah Illustrated by Aharon Shevo

Yalkut Hakzavim by D. Ben Amotz & H. Hefer

Hagadat Eretz Israel Illustrated by Shmuel Katz